Symptoms & Conditions

Sciatic Leg Pain Treatment Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Leg pain that radiates from your lower (lumbar) spine to your buttock, hip, and down the back of your leg are classic signs of injury to the sciatic nerve. It is usually caused when a herniated disc in the spine pinches the sciatic nerve.The professional team at Triangle Disc Care in Raleigh, NC can help you relieve the pain.Find out about Spinal Decompression Therapy - book your appointment today for a free consultation.
Sciatic leg pain is usually caused by the compression (pinching) of one or more of the five major nerve roots comprising the sciatic nerve as theyexit the lumbar spine. Depending upon which branch is injured there may be various combinations of shooting leg pain which is called sciatica. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg through the butt cheek past the hip joint and into the thigh, past the knee, and on down the leg into the calf, ankle, and foot to the toes.The most common reason for the compression is degenerative disc disease (DDD) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) where the disc bulges or herniates, and pinches one of these branches against the corner of the vertebra.
The Raleigh spine specialist at Triangle Disc Care specializes in Spinal Decompression Therapy to help relieve the shooting pain of a pinched leg nerve. This non-surgical treatment works by using a special decompression table to gently create negative pressure (or a vacuum) in the offending disc which promotes the retraction of the bulging disc tissue to stop leg pain without surgery.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.
Back Pain Doctor Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Hundreds of people throughout the Triangle need back pain relief.With the help of the Triangle Disc Careprofessionals in Raleigh, NC you can get a full evaluation of your bad back and get the treatment you need to help your back problem. Call the office to book your appointment for a free consultation and find out about Spinal Decompression Therapy. Our back doctor can help relieve your back pain.

Most chronic back pain and injuries to the back are mechanical in nature and can be caused by any combination of sprained ligaments, strained muscles, bulging discs and pinched nerves, any, or all of which can lead to pain. Of course, your lumbar spine could be normal in every way and suddenly become injured in a fall, rear end car accident, or other accident, or sports injury. Just as often, however, weaknesses from less severe, earlier injuries accumulate and compound as the years go by, leading to a protruding, herniated, or bulging disc that can cause a painful pinched nerve. Pain along the nerve is called sciatica and is felt in the lower back, and can radiate into the buttock, hip and/or various parts of the leg and foot. In addition to the pain, which is often severe, there may be numbness, muscular weakness, pins and needles or tingling, and difficulty in supporting weight on the involved leg.
The Raleigh back doctor at Triangle Disc Care specializes in Spinal Decompression Therapy to help relieve back pain. Similar in some ways to old school traction this modern treatment works by separating the spinal vertebra, creating a vacuum inside the disc, which then promotes the retraction of the bulging disc tissue to stop back pain without surgery. Call today for a free consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this modern method of back care.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.

Neck Pain Doctor Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
At Triangle Disc Care, our Raleigh neck doctor specializes in non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy for neck pain relief - a neck treatment that works to help your neck problem without surgery and help relieve the pain of a pinched neck nerve. Get neck pain relief fast with spinal decompression therapy. Call today! Book an appointment by phone now.
Most neck injuries will be quickly forgotten and are of no more significance than a sprained ankle. Some cervical spinal injuries, however, whether they are from a long-ago whiplash rear end car accident or other accident, or old sports injurywill result in a chronic mechanical dysfunction of the spinal vertebra that eventually resultsin a protruding, herniated or bulging disc that can cause a painful pinched nerve in the shoulder and arm. The most severe symptoms may manifest along the course of the spinal nerve root, resulting in pain down arm, shoulder pain, arm pain, muscle weaknesses or numbness and tingling in the shoulder, arm, or hand.
Spinal Decompression Therapyis a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment performed on a special, computer-controlled table that is similar in some ways to an ordinary traction table. At Triangle Disc Care, we’re proud to offer spinal decompression from a doctor in Raleigh. Call and schedule an appointment for your free consultation and relieve your neck pain.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.
Shoulder & Arm Pain Treatment Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Complaints of neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, numbness or tingling are very common. This is usually caused by a pinched nerve from a herniated or bulging disc. The doctor at Triangle Disc Careoffers a free consultation so you can find out how Spinal Decompression Therapy can help relieve your shoulder pain and arm pain. Don’t wait, call us today.

The most common cause of neck, shoulder and pain down the arm is a pinched nerve caused by a herniated or bulging spinal disc. There is usually at least some pain in the neck, but the most severe symptoms manifest along the course of the adjacent nerve, resulting in shoulder and arm pain, or numbness and tingling called referred pain or radicular pain.
Muscles of the neck and upper back that reflexively spasm in an attempt to limit the motion of the offending spinal disc are a frequent cause of muscle tension headaches, a common accompanying problem. One or several of the neck nerves C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1 are most commonly involved when shoulder and arm pain symptoms are present.
The doctor at Triangle Disc Care offers spinal decompression therapy to treat shoulder pain, arm pain, and numbness and tingling caused by pinched nerves and more. This treatment is done on a computer-controlled table that gently and specifically stretches the neck area of the spine to pull in the bulging or herniated disc material that so often can pinch the spinal nerve roots. Free consultation. Call now.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.

Herniated & Bulging Disc Treatment Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Any combination of injury or stress that results in a weakening of the outer annular fibers of the disc may eventually lead to a bulged disc or herniated disc that can pinch the nerve root or spinal cord, causing severe pain. At Triangle Disc Care in Raleigh, the doctor will take your disc pain treatment seriously.To make an appointment with our provider, book it by phone.
A number of factors, including age, can cause or contribute to a herniated or bulging disc. These factors include the following:
- Obesity, which creates additional gravitational stress on each joint
- Too little exercise, resulting in a gradual weakening of the supporting muscle and ligamentous structures, making the disc prone to injury from everyday activities.
- Injury caused by too little activity during the week followed by too much on the weekend.
- Falls and accidents, which can hurt both an already weakened spinal joint and a healthy one.
- Repeated episodes of even minor injuries, which can eventually result in muscle tension and/or inflammation limiting the motion (and therefore the pumping action) of the disc, which becomes stiffer and drier, causing it to lose its shock absorbing properties.
- Poor health habits including too much soda pop/not enough water, inadequate nutrition, alcohol use and nicotine use.
In addition, there may be an as-of-yet unidentified genetic factor causing some individuals to be more likely to develop a herniated or bulging disc.
At Triangle Disc Care, we specialize in using Spinal Decompression Therapy in Raleigh to help pull the protruding disc material back inside the disc. This works by gently separating or stretching the vertebra on either side of the disc 5 to 7 millimeters creating negative pressure (or a vacuum) inside the disc to pull in the bulging disc material, as well as water, oxygen, and nutrients to help it heal.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.
Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is not a "disease" in the usual sense of the word, but rather a term used to describe a process or condition that develops gradually and worsens over time from wear and tear, or further injury. At Triangle Disc Care in Raleigh, NC the dedicated health care team can diagnose and effectively treat Degenerative Disc Disease. Call the office to make your appointment now.

To some degree, intervertebral discs lose their flexibility, elasticity and shock absorbing characteristics as we age, as do other tissues in the body. Abnormal or excessive mechanical stresses or injuries of the past coupled with hereditary, developmental, and metabolic influences can rapidly accelerate this process.
As the involved disc dries out and loses height (a process known as desiccation), it causes the vertebra to become closer together, narrowing the channels through which the nerve roots pass. A dry, thin disc is unable to do its job of absorbing shock, further stressing the joint as well as the supporting muscles and ligaments. The worse it gets, the poorer its shock absorbing capability, which exponentially accelerates the process.
Contrary to what one might suppose, stress to these tissues does not result in a wearing away, but instead leads to a gradual buildup of calcium deposits otherwise known as osteoarthritis. This is similar to how stress to the skin on the palm of your hand results in a buildup of skin cells otherwise known as a callous. This progression of disc desiccation, collapse, and osteoarthritis is called degenerative disc disease. The resultant narrowing of space available for the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots is called spinal stenosis.
We specialize in Spinal Decompression Therapy to help reverse the changes of degenerative disc disease in Raleigh patients. This treatment works by using a special table to gently separate the spinal vertebra to create negative pressure inside the discs to pull water, oxygen, and nutrients into the disc. This works to rehydrate a degenerated disc and brings in the nutrients needed to heal torn fibers and halt the degenerative process. As the disc is rehydrated, the shock absorbing properties are restored, and in many cases some of the lost height is restored as well. Call Triangle Disc Care to see if you are a good candidate for this modern treatment method.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.

Stenosis / Foraminal Stenosis Triangle Disc Care
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Located in Raleigh, NC
Stenosis is from the Greek word meaning “a narrowing.” Lumbar spinal stenosis results in low back pain and can radiate down the nerves into the buttocks, hips, legs, thighs, or feet. Cervical spinal stenosis results in neck pain and can radiate into the nerves of shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands.At Triangle Disc Care in Raleigh, NC the doctor can help with treatment for this painful condition.Call the office to book your appointment today.
Although it is true that some individuals congenitally have larger or smaller canals than others, the cause of the narrowing is usually a combination of three different degenerative factors present in varying degrees in different patients:
- When a disc herniates, the bulge takes up space.
- As the involved disc dries out and loses height (a process known as desiccation), it causes the vertebra to become closer together.
- As the stress on the joint accumulates and osteoarthritis begins to result, bone spurs form and ligaments hypertrophy.
These three factors in various combination and degrees of severity compromise the space in the channel, which can compress (pinch) the nerve. They may be referred to as degenerative disc disease, the most common cause of spinal stenosis. Spondylolisthesis and scar tissue formation as a result of prior surgical fusion are other factors that can contribute to spinal stenosis.
The doctors and staff at Triangle Disc Care specializes in Spinal Decompression Therapy in Raleigh to help reverse the changes of spinal stenosis. This therapy works as it gently stretches apart the spinal vertebra creating a vacuum within the discs to pull water, oxygen, and nutrients into the disc. This halts the degenerative process by rehydratingthe disc and bringing in the nutrients needed to heal any torn fibers. As the disc is rehydrated, its shock absorbing properties are improved and in many cases some of the lost height is restored as well, creating more space for the nerve. Contact us today.
The purpose of the free consultation and free initial examination is to determine whether a specific individual patient is a good candidate for the services we provide. Factors such as chronicity of the condition, age and general fitness level of the patient, exercise and nutrition habits, adherence to the treatment plan and many other factors all influence outcomes as will be explained by the doctor during the consultation. Call Now! (919) 571-2515 or schedule online 24/7.