How Spinal Decompression Therapy Can Provide Stress Relief

The Link Between Your Stress and Your Spine

Your stress level and spinal health are connected and linked through your nervous system. Just think about your posture when you get stressed out. Your muscles tense, and your breathing patterns change in response to the stress. Changes to your posture and movement patterns resulting from stress can lead to neck, back, shoulder, and more pain. Stress often triggers a vicious cycle of pain and dysfunction. The process is coordinated through your nervous, immune, and musculoskeletal systems. Here’s an example. If you’re stressed out, you may notice yourself not exercising much, which leads to an increase in weight that brings your mental health down, which leads to more stress.

• Stress can affect your posture and movement patterns.
• Abnormal motion of your spinal joints can lead to pain and inflammation.
• Spinal Decompression Therapy works by improving the motion of your joints and by influencing your nervous system.

Movement is the best “medicine” to decrease stress and improve spinal function. Daily exercise has been shown to lower stress levels, improve your mood, and provide you with better overall health. Decompression of your spine can help improve your range of motion and reduce pain so you can get the daily exercise you need to stay well. If you’re struggling to remain active due to aches and pains, let us know – we’re here to help you.

3 Ways Spinal Decompression Therapy Care Can Help Reduce Your Stress

Chronic stress can contribute to health issues like anxiety, depression, and back pain. In a constant state of stress, your body produces hormones that can disrupt almost all of your body’s natural processes. This puts you at risk for a dizzying array of health problems. Discovering healthy ways to cope with stress is one of the best ways to manage your stress. And a doctor who specializes in spinal decompression therapy may be the perfect healthcare partner to help you get started.

New research has proven that chronic stress affects your brain and body and can contribute to many chronic diseases. Identifying chronic stress early and managing it proactively is the best way to avoid long-term health challenges. Early signs of chronic stress include sleeplessness, headaches, muscle tension, and joint pain. Our doctor can help you overcome stress in a few unique ways. Here are three ways we can help you reduce stress:

• Reduce Muscle Tension – Reducing tension in your muscles can help your mind and body feel better.
• Restore Function – Spinal Decompression Therapy can help restore proper function to the joints of your spine, arms, and legs.
• Offer Personalized Exercise – Daily exercise can help reduce your mental stress and improve the results of your spinal decompression care.

We live in stressful times. Even people who claim they are never stressed out have started to notice headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping. If you are stressed, relaxing and enjoying life is almost impossible. Muscle tension, pain, and headaches are potential indications of stress overwhelming you. Call us when you are ready for help – our team is here for you.

Staying Healthy Is the Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself.

We all know someone who gets sick all the time. Are they just unlucky? New research indicates that your daily choices may be the most crucial factor in your ability to stay well or get sick. Your body is designed to be healthy and resilient. Each day, you encounter millions of bacteria and potential pathogens that could get you sick. Your immune system and your body’s ability to regulate and dissipate these invaders make all the difference between getting sick and staying well.

Daily choices are the most significant controllable factor in staying healthy as you enter the new year. What goes into your body (chemical stress), how you use your body (physical stress), and your thoughts (emotional stress) are all vitally important to your ability to stay well naturally. Here is your three-step process to manage stress and give yourself the gift of better health as we start 2021.

• Daily Movement: Daily exercise is a great way to keep your mind and body healthy throughout the holidays.
• Mental Moment: Take a minute each day to think/meditate/decompress and appreciate the blessings you do have in your life.
• Portion Planning: Plan your meals each day to avoid binging or adding in those extra empty calories that contribute to weight gain and inflammation.

Next Steps:

Staying healthy is attainable if you take just a few minutes each day to be proactive with your healthy habits. Managing your physical, chemical, and emotional stress with daily physical movement, mental focus, and portion planning is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. If you need help, give us a call today! We’re here for you.

Science Source:

Psychological Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1991

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. 2020

Stress Management. Mayo Clinic 2019

Chronic Stress, Cortisol Dysfunction, and Pain: A Psychoneuroendocrine Rationale for Stress Management in Pain Rehabilitation. Physical Therapy 2014


Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. The Spine Journal 2002

The Interaction Effect of Posture and Psychological Stress on Neck-Shoulder Muscle Activity in Typing: A Pilot Study. EHAWC 2011](

Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. The Spine Journal 2002

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